Many people who have difficulty losing weight attribute it to a slow metabolism . After all, it is our metabolism (the engine of your body) that regulates the amount of fuel (calories) the body burns. Although it is important for fat loss, it is also important for your health. If you slow down or lose weight too quickly after a low-calorie diet, it can be difficult to convince your body to lose weight. It can also cause a slow metabolism if it does not keep your muscle tissue in good tonic conditions, which determines the metabolic rate. Other factors can also slow down, eg. Food shortages, poor quality food, such as processed foods and protein deficiency, excess refined sugars and high-fat carbohydrates and chemicals in food. Coma. The good news is that you can repair your metabolism again. However, it requires a combination of appropriate exercises (strength training) to train the muscular system and appropriate metabolic stimulation (this does not mean dieting),...
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