It took me 5 years to lose 30
kg. It can not take long and be slower for others. We are all different and
have different lifestyles and complex navigation problems.
During this long
journey, I refined what works to get to this list of 7 basic principles to loseweight and stay in shape. I am absolutely convinced that these weight loss
principles can also work.
Top 7 principles to lose weight and get in shape
1. Calories in, calories out:
It works because it gives you
some basic nutrition concepts and provides a framework for making good
nutritional choices. He forced me and many others like me to hold us
accountable. It also demystifies the myth of "poor nutrition" by
giving you a realistic measure of the "value" of food and the real difficulty
of burning low-calorie foods that are so easy to eat.
2. A diet low in carbohydrates, high in protein and rich in
The low carb approach does not
work for everyone and it is important not to go too far. When I say "low
carbohydrates," I mean that my body works best when I eat 25% of my daily
intake of low glycemic carbohydrates, "full" carbohydrates, usually
in the form of starchy foods. or green vegetables. Vegetables. I feel lighter,
thinner and more energetic. Experiment with your consumption and see what suits
you best. If you remember not to consume a lot of carbohydrates, the rest of
your food will obviously be divided between the other two macronutrients:
proteins and fats. Do not be afraid of fat! Your body is an engine that needs
oil like the engine of a car to function properly. A good oil is good for you.
Good fats regulate cholesterol and provide omega-3 fatty acids, which are
important for heart health. Proteins are necessary to build and maintain
muscles. The combination of protein and fat seems to be a cost-effective
solution that helps me feel full, longer and happier.
3. Drink plenty of water:
That's obvious. I like to think
that in the days when I drink a lot of water, my body is constantly in
recycling mode, I eliminate toxins, I hydrate my skin, etc. I know that the
body is more complex than that. but now I am convinced that most of us survive
in a state of continuous dehydration. With plenty of water you will feel more
alert and fill your abdominal area.
4. Strength training:
Weight training is an essential
part of any fat loss mission. Building muscle mass helps reduce fat, looks good
and feels good. Strong muscles help to build strong bones and, in my
experience, an even greater sense of self-esteem.
5. Pleasant cardio training:
I say "good" because
it is important. Nothing is more demoralizing than spending an hour a day on a
treadmill or a versatile coach who gets stuck in the so-called stationary mode
in which he treats it without changing the intensity and without expecting
results. Lose weight while your diet is on the right track, but this does not
significantly improve your cardiovascular condition or your fat / muscle ratio.
Cardio is important and I know that I really miss endorphins if I avoid them,
BUT what I should avoid is a time-consuming, boring, physically difficult and
inefficient exercise. You want to get what you pay for, what you can not find
in your Cardio account. This type of exercise also emphasizes the body and
releases cortisol and other stress hormones such as adrenaline. Your body will
then hit it so that it sticks to the fat hook as a kind of safety blanket.
6. Set small, regular goals as well as longer term ones:
Staying motivated is a very
complicated and time-consuming task depending on the starting point. I'm doing
pretty well for 2 years and I do not feel "done" far from it. There
is no "finite" because we reprogram and rebuild the program to adopt
a healthier lifestyle that will allow us to live longer. I hope, however, that
there will come a time when I will feel happy with my body and ready to keep my
weight and continue working on my fitness goals. Realistically, this means I
have to jump a few pounds off each side of my weight goal and see how my
clothes go and what I see in the mirror.
Since it is an iterative
process and is unlikely to end, it is important to have small, regular, varied
goals and, most importantly, a mix of aesthetic and other. If your goal is z.
For example, if you only have a specific weight per week or month, or a
specific garment you want to fit, it's very easy to look at it and never be
really happy with how far you've come. I think that as much as we can, we
should remove that from the area we see ourselves in (as a woman, I can say
there is almost constant uncertainty) and focus on what our body can do.
One of my goals is to make a
real chin, which means I have to lift my own weight. I am currently using the
device with my chin raised and raised in my gym. I adjusted it so that he could
lose 15 kg. At the end of this month, I want to be able to do five successive
pumps and less than 10 kg of body weight. At the same time, I have a blue top
in size 6, which I like a lot and which is still a little fair. Another goal is
to get used to it. At the same time, I constantly connect my goal, every 5 km,
to walk without hurting myself.
The basic idea is that many
different goals, defined in different time scales, make it more likely that
they reach a goal each week, which hopefully helps build self-esteem. and to
keep you on the right path.
7. Believe that it is possible and pretend that it is true:
It's a big problem, that's why
I left it until the end! I had something I wanted to say years ago, when I
hated my body and my life deeply, I only had to do it once and I had proved it
was true. If you walk, you're a hiker, right? Once you go to the gym, you are
"someone who trains". If you want to be fit and healthy, how does a
person behave in good shape and in good health? Do you regularly abuse your
body by overeating or feeding? Knowing it, there is no "truth" that
separates you from these people, nothing that can not be overcome. It's just a
behavior. And you can count on your body reacting as its behavior changes. Of
course, you should consider hormones and genetics, but they have an error rate
and not a complete inhibitor. Consider the effects of your hormones and
genetics on the rate of progression, but do not use it as a reason for not
trying. And even if you can not run 5 km, lift your weight or wear a
"bikini body", it does not matter. You will be healthier through your
efforts and who knows what other benefits could change your life!
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